
Preached on October 8, 2017 at First Baptist Cornelia
Scripture: Romans 10:5-15
The reminder stood ready whenever the opportunity came her way. I didn’t know it about it until after she died. Like most of my funerals, I asked her family if I could borrow her Bible while I prepared my remarks. I found the faded bulletin clipping taped on the front page of her Bible.
By the color of the paper and the old mimeograph quality, she had cut the clipping out long ago. The various colored ink markings underlining words and verses publicized how often through the years she had returned to the words. This was not just a passing curiosity a pastor distributed one Sunday, it was a trusted guide for decades of faith sharing.
Everyone who knew Mathilda Scroggs, knew she loved Jesus. More than just loving Jesus, though, Mathilda was driven by that love to share the good news of Jesus with people she met. If she ever helped you secure a loan at her bank, then you know she bought and gave you the gift of a Bible when you signed your mortgage papers. She wanted to make sure a Bible was the first thing to fill your new home.
Sharing Jesus was vitally important to Mathilda. That’s why long ago, after a sermon no one remembers, Mathilda cut out the Roman Road to Salvation outline and taped it into her Bible. Mathilda knew leading someone to the Lord was more than the Pastor’s job or the youth minister's job – it was the duty and task of everyone who followed Jesus. And she used the old clipping as a reminder of scriptures she could share with people she loved enough to share Jesus.
Mathilda Scroggs had beautiful feet. She was an evangelist.
Because we are saved – by saying YES to Jesus - God calls us to tell others about Jesus too.
Jesus Saves
During the Roman Empire, Romans built roads to connect their distant lands with their Capital City. These roads also allowed the Gospel to spread quickly as missionaries went out from Jerusalem to the rest of the world. Roman Roads were built to last and you can still walk on some of these roads today – 2000 years later.
Our passage today from Romans 10 is a powerful stop on the Roman Road to Salvation. Like the literal roads so many years ago, this road to Salvation reveals specific scriptures in Paul’s letter to the Romans to lead us to salvation in Jesus.
I remember when my dad first shared with me these scriptures from Romans. I was an early teenager. I accepted Christ as my Savior and Lord when I was 8 years old, years earlier. I had heard someone mention a Roman Road to Salvation – but I didn’t know what it was. My dad picked up a napkin and began to write down scripture passages. The Roman Road starts at the very beginning of
Romans 1:20-21: "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened."
The path of salvation begins with acknowledging God as the Creator of everything. The earth – and you and I - began in perfect order. In this perfect creation – we were created in the image of God. God looks at us – his creation – through the eyes of love and purpose. The story of creation invites us to accept our humble position in God's created order and purpose.
Unfortunately – as humans created in God’s image – we choOse not to accept our position as creation and seek to be take control over our own lives.
This is the next step on the Roman road – sin taking control of our own lives. Romans 3:23: “For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God.”
At the very beginning of creation – humanity chose to betray the love and creation of God. We cannot blame it on Adam and Eve. Sin remains a decision each of us makes. Sin is not something passed down through our DNA. Our bodies are not sin. Instead, as created beings, we choose to walk away from God’s plan, purposes and love for us. Paul says it clearly – all have sinned. Every preacher, pimp, president, and murderer. Little sins, big sins – sexual sins and private sins – God looks on every sin as the same betrayal seen in the Garden of Eden.
The ground at the cross is even. There are no little sins or big sins in God’s eyes. God does not measure them – they are all betrayal of his love. Everyone sins.
But there’s Good News! This is where the Road begins to move out of the dark valley into the highlands of grace.
Romans 5:8: "But God demonstrates His love toward us, in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
I often miss the true power of this verse. While, we are ugly, unfaithful, un-loyal, betrayers of the Creator and the creation – Jesus died for us. This is GRACE. This is the Gospel. This is the power that changes the world. Changes lives. Changes you.
Jesus didn’t wait for us to turn our lives around.
Jesus didn’t wait for us to acknowledge him as Creator or Lord.
Jesus died for the Roman centurions who crucified him. Jesus died for the Jewish Sanhedrin that arrested him. Jesus died for the Roman governor who sentence him. Jesus died for the worse sinner you can name and the best preacher you’ve ever heard.
This GRACE is the heart of the Gospel. Without grace there is no Gospel. There is nothing we ever add to this grace. It stands a lone. Jesus, God’s son, sent so that we might live – died while we wallowed in the mud of sin.
We have one simple, vital, oftentimes difficult Task: receive God’s grace: Accept God’s great love and grace given to us as sinners.
And when we do – our lives are changed.
I think of Salvation this way: It’s like offering a beggar on the street 10 $100 bills. It’s ours to offer, but he or she has to reach out to receive it.
Good reaches down in the gutter of our sin and offers us love and grace – we have to reach up to receive it.
Paul says this in Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
The free gift of the love and grace of God calls us to repent of our sins – to turn from one direction and head the other way; to receive God’s free gift.
The reality is – we don’t know the depth of our sins and our need to repent of them until we grasp the depth and power of God’s grace.
This is when we arrive on the Road to Salvation found in Romans 10:9. "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
Paul tells us that something transformational happens when we acknowledge Jesus as the Lord of our lives. We call out – we confess, we pray, we whimper, we shout – Jesus is Lord. With “the mouth confession is made unto Salvation.”
How we do this, when we do this – no one’s story is the same. I made this decision in my bedroom by myself as a young boy. For others – it happened over a long time period – a slow coming to faith. For others – it was dramatic.
God promises us that when we do make this confession – everyone – no matter their sin, their ethnicity, their class, their education, their bank account – shall be saved.
This is good news: Jesus saves!
And life with Jesus doesn’t end there – We are transformed through the continual work of God’s Grace. Grace doesn’t stop in the baptism waters – it continues through our lives. This is discipleship.
Romans 12:2 says: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Go and Tell
Paul recognizes that no one’s experience with God’s profound grace can be contained. When we have received this Good News – we want everyone else to experience it as well. This is what Mathilda Scroggs experienced. She was loved by and so loved Jesus – that she could not stop sharing that love with other people.
Paul says it like this in Romans 10:14: How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?
The world needs evangelists and God calls all of us to be tellers of the Good News. Evangelism comes from the Greek word for Good News. Evangelists are simply people who tell Good News. We don’t have to have slicked back hair or a deep, booming voice or willing to travel long distances. We just have to be ourselves. We simply have to be willing to care enough for others that we share our love for Jesus.
Like all skills, we can use some simple tools to build confidence in us in how we share. In your OOW today, I have created a simple Evangelism Toolkit (See below) for you to keep. You can place in your Bible or keep in your car, or carry it in your purse.
On the front, you have the Roman Road to Salvation scriptures so you can share with a friend or a family member.
On the Back I’ve given you another Gospel Talk – Called the YMCA Gospel talk based on John 3:16. Maybe this might be easier for you to remember.
I’ve also included some really simple questions that anyone can use to start a spiritual conversation. The greatest evangelism skill is not memorization of scripture or a loud voice – it is listening. Listening to someone talk about their life and their spirit – and responding with care, compassion and the Gospel. When we listen – we earn the right to share our story, our Good News.
Finally – I’ve given you some Gospel Websites. These are sites that can help lead a person to Jesus. Some are simple, some are videos. If you want to learn more about evangelism or want to help someone who’s thinking about Jesus – you can start here.
You have Beautiful Feet
At the end of our passage today – Paul quotes Isaiah 52:7 “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
Isaiah describes a powerful moment when a runner comes from the battlefield back to the walled city of Jerusalem after a battle. From a long distance away, the runner begins announcing to the sentinels on the walls and to the rest of the city the results of the batter: “Your God Reigns. Peace has come to the city. We have been victorious!”
Isaiah writes: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”
This, Paul writes, is what God calls us to do – to announce to our friends, to our neighbors, to our family, to our city – Good News, the news you have been waiting for, the news that you have longed for, the news that brings life: Peace has come to you. Salvation has arrived. Jesus loves you!
How beautiful are your feet, First Baptist Church, when you announce to the world – Jesus loves you.
God calls us to be a people of beautiful feel - People who proclaim Jesus is Lord as we serve the wounded, care for the sick, feed the hungry and shelter the stranger. Our world needs Jesus. And God needs people with beautiful feet to proclaim Jesus. Will you take on the task?
This morning – I have two specific challenges for you:
1. If you have never accepted the grace of Jesus, repented of your sins, and confessed Jesus as Lord – then, today, Jesus invites you reach out your hand and accept it. Will you come?
2. If you are timid and afraid and think evangelism is for someone else, then, today, Jesus invites you to receive his power, his love and his commission: You are being sent out as evangelists – tellers of the good news, Christians with Beautiful feet! Today is the day – will you go?
Evangelism Tool Kit
Sunday, October 8, 2017
First Baptist Church, Cornelia, Georgia
Dr. Eric Spivey, Pastor
The Roman Road to Salvation
1. Acknowledge God as the Creator of everything, accepting our humble position in God's created order and purpose. Romans 1:20-21
"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened."
2. Realize we are sinners and in need forgiveness. None are worthy. Romans 3:23
“For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God.”
3. Accept God’s great love and grace given to us as sinners. Romans 5:8
“But God demonstrates His love toward us, in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
4. Repent of our sins and receive God’s free gift.
But Romans 6:23
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
5. Confess Jesus Christ is Lord. Romans 10:9-10
“That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
6. Call out to Jesus. Romans 10:13
“For whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”
7. Be transformed through God’s grace (Discipleship). Romans 12:2
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
YOU are loved by God. “For God so loved the world…”
MAN is sinful and separated from God. “…shall not perish…”
CHRIST died on the cross as the only payment for our sin. “…that He gave His one and only Son…”
ACCEPT God’s gift of eternal life by faith. “…whoever believes in Him shall… have eternal life.”
Starting Spiritual Conversations
- How can I pray for you?
- Where are you in your spiritual pilgrimage?
- In your opinion, how does one become a Christian?
- What single thing would you like to make absolutely certain you do (if at all possible) during your lifetime?
- How do you know you’ll go to heaven when you die?
- What do you consider to be two major turning points in your life?
- What is the key to maintaining balance in your life?
- What are 2 or 3 major truths upon which you have based your decision-making?
- If you could know God personally, would you be interested?
- Have you ever read the Bible?
Gospel Presentation Websites
1. Peace with God: www.peacewithgod.net
2. Steps to Life: www.evangelismexplosion.org
3. Beautiful Video Presentation: www.thestoryfilm.com
4. Powerful video presentation: www.fallingplates.com
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